It has been a long time since I did this. But hey, new year, new plans, lets try again! I really enjoyed it while I did it, and I think I can do it again, at least as part of my new plan for school. I seem to have taken a few pictures last year as it is (4340 as of the last upload of 2009 this morning.) I might as well try to keep up this. I will say, I tend to go a while with no pictures, then take a bunch at once.
So I guess a quick update:
Anna is 5, last year of preschool, a big, intelligent and innovative/creative kid.
Ethan is 3, into EVERYTHING, and sweet and loving as could be. First year of preschool and he is amazing!
Dan is still at the same job, and doing well. He is the best father that you can imagine.
I am crazy. I quit teaching at the community college to go back to school full time. I am trying to get into a MFA program in Graphic design so I can teach more. I have been taking classes at the undergrad level for a year now, and my application is due Feb 1. I am stressed, excited, and still questioning if this is the right thing to do. I love it, but wow, does it kill my self-esteem. I thought I was a good designer. But I have so much to learn, and I love it.

So this one is technically from the end of 2009, the last day we spent in FL with the family. Can you tell Ethan was a little tired!